Square teams up with Starbucks

This is pretty big news. Square (whom I’ve mentioned before) has partnered with Starbucks to bring mobile payments to every Starbucks in the United States.

Square has been leading the way for small businesses and individuals to accept credit card payments without all the hassle. But they’ve been fighting another war as well; payments using geolocation and your face rather than processing a credit card. Making it easier, quicker, and actually safer to pay – all while making it more convenient for both the consumer and business alike.

There was a problem, though. In order for this to be useful it has to be accepted just about everywhere. In order to disrupt the credit card market it will have to be in as many places as credit card machines. This partnership with Starbucks is about to bring Square to millions and millions of people a day. A huge win for Square and for fans of Square.

I really am looking forward to one day being able to pay for just about anything using only my phone. I hope it happens.

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