The drain of technology on technology professionals

Stephen Hackett, who is giving up his iPhone for a feature-phone for a year in an attempt to bring some balance to his digital life:

I think there is a sizable percentage of nerds out there who realize the weight that technology has on our lives, and are uncomfortable with it at times.

Yes, there is. I’m one of them. I’ve tried many different things to help bring some balance to my life between the pull of technology and business and taking care of personal, family, and spiritual matters. Some have worked and others have not. Most of what I enjoy is centered around technology. Even the things I enjoy that have nothing to do with technology I enjoy them more when I bring technology along for the ride.

I’ve always been this way. Fighting against that doesn’t seem to be the course that works for me. Balancing it, limiting it, while finding a way to embrace it has though. Everyone is different, you just need to find what is right for you.

I hope this works for Stephen.

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