Hairpieces and Web Design

Yesterday I watched John Gruber’s presentation at XOXO via YouTube. I’m very familiar with the Daring Fireball story — having been a member and supporter of John’s excellent site since the very beginning — but his presentation was great nonetheless.

One bit he spoke about was an analogy between hairpieces and web design. It was funny. And he mentioned that he had written about it on DF sometime earlier. I didn’t remember the post so I dug around and found it.

So the Daily News spoke to several Philadelphia-area hairpiece specialists, and their responses were identical: the problem is that when men buy hairpieces, they demand too much hair. I.e. it is possible to do a very convincing job with a hairpiece that makes you look balding rather than bald, but it is not possible to create a convincing hairpiece that makes it look as though you have a full head of hair.

It is definitely worth a read and an incredibly apt analogy.

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