Seven days of travel feet

Seven out of 365 days of #travelfeet have passed. It has been an interesting week. The small group of friends that have joined in the fun have added over 125 travelfeet photos.

I’ll be interested to see if they continue or if some people drop off and others join, etc.

Here are my first 7 days of travelfeet:

travelfeet 1: After being in business for two years, we now have Plain business cards. We get asked all the time for business cards and we simply kept putting it off. Probably due to our relative distaste for business card culture. Oh, and all new coming very soon.

travelfeet 2: Today, over lunch, @kyleruane and I were brainstorming on an idea that would combine much of what we‘ve learned so far (both good and bad) and applying it to a new product. Our perspectives are so much different now than in 2012. Never stop adjusting, learning, moving. It was exciting to see so many travel feet on day 1!

Watch #travelfeet 3 on Instagram:

travelfeet 3: Fluffernutter in the rain. Today has been a fairly productive day. Sometimes I don‘t feel productive even when I have been. Have you ever felt that way? I think the key, for me, is doing several different tasks rather than one large one. It makes me feel like I accomplished something. So for years I‘ve split my time in doing two or three smaller tasks and one larger one for the day.

travelfeet 4: Out to lunch with my buddy @crlw20.

travelfeet 5: For those that do not know, I cut my own hair and have done so for years. My hair is very simple to cut so I‘ve never thought it worth the trip/expense to have someone else do it. Now you‘re probably thinking “no wonder it always looks so terrible!“ Now you know.

travelfeet 6: Working at the KH to finish the new projection system set up. That‘s @thesubieguy.

travelfeet 7: These are a pair of socks that my sister @wrenjenn gave me. She‘s given me a ton of socks. I try to wear a pair she‘s given me whenever I give a public talk. I gave the public talk today in Stroudsburg. 155 people in attendance. A warm and welcoming congregation. I need more socks from Jen.

I’m very much looking forward to the next seven days.

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