Loren Brichter on web apps

K. Q. Dreger interviewed Loren Brichter about his recent sale of Letterpress (my favorite iOS game). The interview is full of little behind-the-scenes tidbits on Letterpress and how it was made and where it is going.

However, when Dreger asks Brichter what he’s been up to and what he will be doing next, I thought his thoughts on web apps was worth noting:

My work for the last few years has been on the web, and honestly, it’s a breath of fresh air. Instant refreshing, surprisingly good debugging / perf tools, intrinsically multi-platform, and most importantly, open.

I find the entire concept of App Review morally questionable despite Apple’s good intentions. So I sleep better at night not being part of that anymore. Sure, the web is messy, and it’s delicate, but it’s important and good and getting better fast.

Wouldn’t be surprised if I never went back.

Strong words from someone who has made a big, big name for himself in iOS development. Welcome to the web Loren, you’ll love it here. I’ll be watching Atebits.

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