Scranton does not understand bicycling

The aforementioned Nick Semon on his attempt to pick up a bike plate today:

I stopped into the Licensing, Inspections, and Permits office today. They handle everything from building permits to food trucks to entertainment licenses. But all three of the friendly folks had never even heard of a bike license plate.

Scranton Pennsylvania does not understand bicycling. Spend a few minutes downtown and you’ll see people riding bikes on the sidewalk. Where on earth did they even get the idea to ride on the sidewalk?

So many US cities are terrible at supporting bicycling — many so obviously never designed to even think about it — but Scranton is small enough that with a few adjustments and some public education it could be a pleasure to ride around and would free up some traffic.

For fun (or, perhaps to depress yourself if you live in the US), read up on Cycling in Denmark and Cycling in the Netherlands.

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