Slow reading email

Matt Haughey writing on this #tildeclub space:

One long-standing pet peeve with Gmail (and all similar email apps) is that they don’t offer a “slow” reading option. Email is a fast, efficient, intensive sort of activity, so the UI is as practical as possible, but if I ever need to write more than four paragraphs, I find myself often composing text in Google Docs or even Medium draft posts, both that get shared as a link over email. I know how much I don’t like reading tons of text in an email interface so I purposely push them to a place with larger fonts, more comfortable margins, and a way to soak in the words in a calmer UI. Go read stuff over there, where words are respected properly instead of your punch-clock email machine here.

What a great idea! I could never begin to count the number of times I’ve read “Sorry this email is so long”, or something to that effect, in an email. I don’t know why people appologize. I love long emails (well, the ones with a purpose for being long). But he’s right, reading them in most email clients is a fairly poor experience.

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