Fred Beste on Ben Franklin TechVentures

Fred Beste, on Ben Franklin TechVentures in Bethlehem, puts it best:

I am not aware of any facility that matches this place. I’ve stated it this way: This is the building that every mayor wishes were in his city. It doesn’t get any better from an economic development standpoint. This is where you get the intellectual property, high-growth, high  margins, and high-paying jobs. This place is so cool. I stroll the halls here all the time. I look at all of these people, and I feel the energy and the intensity. Ben Franklin TechVentures is a magnet for and driver of business accomplishment.

I was in that building a few days a week for a few years before the recent expansion and it was a decent place to build a company then. Today the building is nothing short of jaw-dropping.

Forget every mayor’s wish… every geek in the world would love to have a building, and the programs therein, like Ben Franklin TechVentures within driving distance.

/via Wayne Barz on Twitter.

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