Random 60: Doing what you love, not what you’re good at.

[viddler id-5c5b7c71 h-357 w-420]

Random 60: Doing what you love, not what you’re good at. Favorite on Viddler.

Please consider [sharing this on Twitter](http://twitter.com/home?status=Watching today’s Random 60 by @cdevroe: http://cdevroe.com/videos/r60-do-what-you-love/). Thanks.

I often find myself doing things that I really like to do, even if I’m not particularly good at them. Art, for me, is a great example. I like dabbling with watercolors, pastels, pencil sketches, and even digital art like Flip. Basketball is also another example. I love playing basketball but I don’t think anyone on earth would consider me very good at it.

What do you love to do even if you’re not particularly good at it?

Side note: Thanks for all of the excellent feedback I’ve been getting from the Random 60 videos. These have been truly fun to make and I plan on continuing.

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