NPR’s Fresh Air from WHYY with Terry Gross

I’m not sure how I managed to forget Fresh Air, my favorite audio podcast over the last few years, in my Best of 2008 list – but I’m mentioning it now – and I will be sure to add it to my Best of 2009 list.

Terry Gross, the host of Fresh Air, is an unassuming, casual interviewer that consistently conducts interviews that hold your attention for the entire length of the program. She’s intelligent, in touch with what the audience wants to know, and obviously tirelessly prepares for each episode.

Being a radio program – it is well produced with high-marks for living by its own rules even though it is consumable as a podcast. If you like talk radio and enjoy interviews of incredibly interesting people – Fresh Air is for you.

Source: NPR’s Fresh Air from WHYY with Terry Gross.

Be sure to check out other suggestions I’ve made.

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