The 2GB Kingston DataTraveler USB flash drive

USB Flash Drive.

I have been to my fair share of conferences that give away flash drives to attendees. Sometimes they come in a bag of schwag with a bunch of other worthless things. Print magazines full of ads, stickers, and pins among them.

This isn’t to say that no shwag bags aren’t full of useful things. Just that typically the offerings aren’t all that exciting and you just end up tossing the lot of it.

At Podcamp Hawai’i, however, it was different. Instead of giving away a worthless flash drive to every attendee, Kingston (or whomever was the primary sponsor for this particular little gadget) gave away useful flash drives to a few attendees. And by a few I mean at least 25. How is this flash drive any different from the others? It has 2GB of space and isn’t tethered to a 3ft. long lanyard that you’ll just end up throwing out anyway.

You see, at most events that I’ve received a free flash drive, the capacity ranged from 64Mb to 125Mb. Sure, you could easily throw a few documents onto one of these sticks and hand it off to a friend – but in today’s new media world, we’re dealing with much larger file sizes. I mean, I have Keynote presentations larger than 125Mb.

Kingston’s 2GB USB flash drive is just about the right size for almost anything you want to transfer to someone using one of these tools. I used it at least 3 times during Podcamp Hawai’i.

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