Tag: wish-list

  • A short Twitter wish list

    OK, so Elon bought Twitter (subject to regulatory approval, of course). We can’t change what we can’t control. While I do not think it a great idea to have Elon be the sole owner of Twitter, is it any worse than Jack Dorsey or Ev Williams or anyone else for that matter? I suppose time…

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  • WWDC 2020 wish list

    I see some wish lists for Monday’s WWDC being published so I thought I’d take a moment and jot down just a few from the top of my head. I decided to jut let my mind riff for a while to see what it would come up with. I could likely come up with more…

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  • Wishes for today’s Apple Event

    In my Pixel 4 wish list I may have overstated my current position on my choosing Android or iOS in my next phone. I wrote: As my time to upgrade my phone comes around of course I’m left with a choice to go back to iOS or stick with Android. I’m sticking with Android. I…

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  • WWDC 2017 wish list

    It has been an exciting year for developers so far. Facebook is making the camera a platform, Microsoft is making cloud computation happen with two clicks of a mouse, and Google is doing everything that everyone else is doing plus a billion more things. WWDC is next week. So what are my wishes? Since I…

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  • WWDC 2016 wish list

    Wish lists have been swirling around these last few days and many of them are quite good. But none of them are mine. So here is my wish list, not my predictions, for what will be announced today at WWDC. I hope Siri can do a lot more – I think we’re overdue on being…

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  • Got Loop’d

    It is always a pleasure to be linked to from The Loop. Yesterday, one of my posts about Photos for OS X and what I think can be done to improve it, was linked to (at my behest) by Dave Mark. My link is in good company there. Be sure to check out the other…

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