Tag: book

  • Moby Dick Big Read

    Moby Dick Big Read: ‘I have written a wicked book’, said Melville when his novel was first published in 1851, ‘and I feel as spotless as the lamb’. Deeply subversive, in almost every way imaginable, Moby-Dick is a virtual, alternative bible – and as such, ripe for reinterpretation in this new world of new media.…

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  • Resilient Web Design

    Jeremy Keith: Resilient Web Design is a short book. It’s between sixteen and seventeen megawords long. You could read the whole thing in a couple of hours. Or—because the book has seven chapters—you could take fifteen to twenty minutes out of a day to read one chapter and you’d have read the whole thing done…

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  • Tubes by Andrew Blum

    Andrew Blum, in Tubes: "For all the talk of the placelessness of our digital age, the Internet is as fixed in real, physical places as any railroad or telephone system ever was." I must get a copy of this book. I found it via Jeremy Keith’s nice post about visiting the Heart’s Content cable station…

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