Founders Grid Productivity Hacks

It was nice to be included in Founders Grid’s list of productivity hacks. When they asked me what productivity hacks I had for other founders this is what I wrote:

Productivity hacks are a myth. Not that none of the proposed productivity hacks we see every day do not work, just that any of them will work if you simply put them into practice. For example, John Zeratsky, Partner at Google Ventures, recently shared a Post-It hack that helps him get a few things done each day. Essentially it is a to-do list on a piece of paper. It works if you do it. GTD applications, productivity apps, to-do lists, notebooks, mobile applications, synced Reminders via iCloud – all of these work if you simply do them. My advice? Pick anything and do it and you’ll get more done.

Some other great tips are on their site.

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