Search results for: “notational”

  • How to create a bulleted list in Notational Velocity

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Following up on [my obvious love for Notational Velocity]( velocity) is this little nugget from Justin Blanton via Twitter. The latest build of Notational Velocity can actually handle bulleted lists in plain text using unicode bullets and some smarts. Here is how you do it, again, via Blanton; "Do [space][some bullet-type char…

  • Notational Velocity mapped to a Github wiki

    Now that I have Notational Velocity on the command line perhaps I need to map Notational Velocity to a Github wiki too. [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468]

  • The iPad apps that I use most

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] Since posting about the iPhone apps that I use most I’ve had a few requests to do the same for the iPad. So, here are the iPad apps that I use most. I check, read, and write email on the iPad every single day. I actually prefer using the iPad to…

  • Going a little command line crazy

    [ad#Adsense: Horiz 468] I’m not sure why but I’m on a command line kick lately. Not just the Tron Legacy style for Terminal but I’ve now begun using iTerm2 as my Terminal application of choice. I have it in a second Space on Mac OS X fullscreen with 3 shells running. The first shell is…