Search results for: “albert”

  • Photos of UPenn Weave Bridge by Albert Yee

    Brilliant photos from Albert Yee the new Weave Bridge at UPenn show that it is pretty stunning. I love when people take the opportunity to make something beautiful in a place where something ‘average’ could have sufficed.

  • Email: Are you the right person to contact about posting to your website? Me: You’d be better off contacting Albert Einstein.

  • What I saw somewhat recently #64: April 30, 2020

    Are you enjoying these links? I know I am. Light week. Mostly because I’ve been very busy both professionally and on my photography.

  • Photographing the same location over and over

    I’ll likely touch on this topic in an upcoming pandemic powered Podcast episode. Albert Dros, 2017: Sometimes the area where you live would not be motivating to photograph because you see these things everyday. However, when I started photography I began to see the world (and my home area) in a different way. I started…

  • Kip Thorne wins the Nobel

    Nobel Media AB: On 14 September 2015, the universe’s gravitational waves were observed for the very first time. The waves, which were predicted by Albert Einstein a hundred years ago, came from a collision between two black holes. It took 1.3 billion years for the waves to arrive at the LIGO detector in the USA.…

  • SEPTA fail

    The FAIL meme strikes again! This time it is my friend Albert Yee, whom [I’ve mentioned before]( yee), that is setting up a fail blog for SEPTA (or the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority). He aptly calls the site SEPTA fail. He’s looking for help too. So if you deal with SEPTA on a regular basis…

  • A roll of 400TX film shot with a Canon Canonet G-III QL17

    If the camera model and the film type don’t mean too much to you – don’t worry. All you need to know is that my friend Albert Yee has managed to take some fantastic photos with his new toy, the Canon Canonet G-III QL17. Source: 400TX and QL17. Photoset: Canonet G-III QL17 400TX.

  • Sometimes, things just seem to line up

    Albert Yee, a friend whom I’ve never met, recently shot this photo in Philadelphia and since sharing it on Flickr it has gotten what I think is well-worthy praise. You can head over to Flickr to read the comments and see that several people have favorited the photo.  Yee doesn’t take too much credit for…

  • Radioactive llamas with super powers!

    You asked for it and so now you’re getting it. When I installed the Skribit widget on my suggestions page I didn’t realize that some of you would ask for something like radioactive llamas with super powers, but you did, and so now you have me doing Google searches for that very term. It turns…

  • a photoblog by Rion Nakaya

    Albert Yee suggested some time ago that I subscribe to this photolog and I haven’t regretted it since. Source: a photoblog by Rion Nakaya.

  • A video reply to my recent ideas on entertainment

    Last week I wrote "Stop being entertained by today and try to be yourself" which, in short, was some of my thoughts on how I need to make an effort to do things in the real world and stop doing things just because other people do them. Well, Roxeanne of Beach Walks with Rox, decided…

  • Meeting Mike Stickel

    It isn’t often enough that the friends we create in this online world are met in real life. Earlier this year I was able to meet with Mike Rundle, and now I’ve finally gotten to meet another Mike. Mike and I have been chatting online since he started leaving comments on The uber geeks back…