Andrew Canion’s podcast addiction

Andrew Canion:

I listen to a lot of podcasts. I’ve been listening to podcasts for more than 10 years, way before they were mainstream. I used to load podcasts onto my work-supplied IBM ThinkPad and drive to work with it open on the passenger seat, playing podcasts. This was before I owned an iPod, let alone an iPhone. I think I may have been listening to Adam Curry at the time – there weren’t that many podcasts out there, and his was one of the first.

I too remember this time period. When the RSS Consortium was still waffling about how to include enclosures and the word podcast hadn’t yet been coined. Like Andrew, I too was listening. Downloading "large" MP3 files to listen to Adam Curry walk through London for a business meeting while he burped the word "Senseo" for money.

As an aside: When I was mucking about with Mastadon for a bit Adam Curry showed up on one of the instances and was being super responsive. I got to have a short conversation with him on there about this time period when he would record using a lapel as he went about his day. It was like audio vlogging and it was fascinating. I believe it is what inspires me to continue to make my off-the-cuff audio bits.

Andrew’s list of podcasts is extensive. Have a look through it. I’ll post my updated list for 2018 later in the winter. Until then, here is my 2017 list.

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