Why Viddler is great for SEO again

As a small company you fight battles on many fronts. All types of things demand your attention and sometimes things fall through the cracks and you miss something even if it is very important to you.

That is what happened at Viddler when we didn’t realize we had incorrectly setup our robots.txt file, making Viddler bad for SEO, and we were called out on it.Whether or not you know what a robots.txt file is or not doesn’t really matter. The point was we held this particular issue in pretty high regard and yet – somehow – we missed it.

Once we found out that we had missed this we immediately went to work on fixing it. It is OK to miss things now and then – everyone does, everyone will, I will, you will – but it is what you do when you find out that matters.

Viddler is great for SEO. It is great in every way that we can make it great for our customers. And we’re going to strive to keep it that way.

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