Hi, I’m Colin
Reverse engineer. Photographer.
Darkroom printer. Blogger.
Curator. Antiquarian.

Blog posts
A hand-curated selection of recently published posts.
The vibe coding litmus test
Unsure of what vibe coding is? See Simon Willison’s explanation of a term recently coined by Andrej Karpathy on X. It is a buzzword that is lighting the world in fire it seems. But I…
Diversions #9: The garlic of March
The sun has returned! I mean, it has always been there. Relatively speaking in the same place it was over the last few months. But the Earth’s tilt is such that as it revolves around…
Diversions #8: Icy gin film
It has been a long, cold, mostly icy winter. I’m not sure if age makes this feeling more acute, but the data seem to show that this winter has been colder than average. I can’t…
Does my blog need to support ActivityPub?
I have my reservations about whether or not blogs (specifically my blog) should federate content via ActivityPub. Isn’t RSS enough?
What software should be
It used to be, that I was the first person in line to download new software. I’d sign up for beta access, email developers for early looks at what they were working on, or even…
On the need to disrupt the structure of a blog
Chris Armstrong, advocating for a digital garden over a blog structure: A blog structure places the highest emphasis on ‘what’s new’… but what’s new has had the least scrutiny and little authority. Robin Rendle linked…
A selection of creative projects from photography, painting, software and other mediums.